Choosing a Path

Which statement most closely reflects you?

My dream is to study literature full time and teach at the college level

Option 1 + MA English

I love literature, but I want a job other than teaching which is focused on words

Option I + MA Writing: Technical Writing Track

I love literature, and I want to learn how language works

Option I + MA Writing: Rhetoric and Composition Track

I want to be a writer, but I’m not as well read as I should be

Option I + MA Writing: Creative Writing Track

My perfect career would combine teaching literature and writing for businesses or magazines

Option II + MA English

My ideal career is designing communication strategies

Option II + MA Writing: Technical Writing Track

I want to study how people use writing and teach them how to do it more effectively

Option II + MA Writing: Rhetoric and Composition Track

I want to be a writer

Option II + MA Writing: Creative Writing Track